

This blog is created to spread awareness about the importance of our Sanathana Dharmam by posting messages about Dharma Sasthram, Religion, Spirituality, Nityakarmanushtanam, Stotras, Slokas, Messages given to us by our Acharyas, Gurujis about ‘Tatvamasi’ – the one you are in search of (எதை நீ தேடுகிறாயோ அது உன்னுள்ளேயே இருக்கிறது).

Sanatana Dharma is by its very essence a term that is devoid of sectarian leanings or ideological divisions. This is evident by the very term itself. The two words, “Sanatana Dharma”, come from the ancient Sanskrit language. “Sanatana” is a Sanskrit word that denotes that which which is Anadi (beginningless), Anantha (endless) and does not cease to be, that which is eternal and everlasting. With its rich connotations, Dharma is not translatable to any other language. Dharma is from dhri, meaning to hold together, to sustain. Its approximate meaning is “Natural Law,” or those principles of reality which are inherent in the very nature and design of the universe. Thus the term Sanatana Dharma can be roughly translated to mean “the natural, ancient and eternal way.”

By its nature, Sanatana Dharma is…

  • God-centered rather than prophet-centered.
  • Experience based rather than belief based.
  • Beyond any historical date of founding.
  • The process of growth, which comes from the seed.
  • Inherent in, and inclusive of all.
  • In the world, while above the world.
  • Both immanent and transcendent.
  • The whole and the parts.
  • Loving of all and excluding of none.

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